InYo: The Journal of Alternative Perspectives on the Martial Arts and Sciences

Vol 1, Dec 2000
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ISSN 1492-1669
Editor: Joseph Svinth

Current Articles:

Women Who Would Not Be Sheep: Women's Combative Sports in the Twentieth Century: Joseph Svinth (11/99)

Sizing 'Em Up: Statistical Relationships between Various Combative Sports in the Japanese American Communities of the Pacific Northwest, circa 1910 to circa 1942: Joseph R. Svinth (03/00)

Strong, Intelligent, Powerful and Feminine: A profile of Tamami "Sky" Hosoya: Evan Ginzburg (05/00)

Aiki-Relationships: Lynn Seiser, Ph.D (05/00)

Valkyries on the Internet: Diana the Valkyrie (05/00)

Sport and Physical Education under Fascistization in Japan: Ikuo Abe, Yasuharu Kiyohara, and Ken Nakajima (06/00)

A letter from the Indian wrestler Ranjit Singh to the British historian Balbir Singh Kanwal, April 8, 1981 (06/00)

A Day to Rest and Wrestle: Benjamin Franklin Roller, Master of Angles and Feuds (07/00)

Mat Wars: The Story of Ontario High School Girls' Wrestling: Glynn A. Leyshon (08/00)

Who is Response-Able to Resolve Your Conflicts?: Lynn Seiser, Ph.D. (08/00)

Jiu-Jitsu for Women: Sandow's Magazine (08/00)

Celluloid Kata: Martial Arts in the Movies -- A Practitioner's Prejudices: James Grady (09/00)

Blood on the Sun: Judo in America, 1944: Patrick Keelaghan (09/00)

The Odyssey of Yukio Tani: Graham Noble (10/00)

A Question Regarding the Number of Kendoka Living in North America before World War II: Joseph Svinth (10/00)

Japanese Professional Wrestling Pioneer: Sorakichi Matsuda: Joseph R. Svinth (11/00)

Fighting in Advertising: Barb F. (12/00)

Understanding Ancient Martial Arts Texts: Pooh and Hermeneutics: Kendall Giles (12/00)


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